Explore the most appealing deals available for Steigenberger Makadi - Adults Only, ensuring you get the best value for your stay. Properties were last updated on 14 February 2025.
*Total includes estimated local taxes & fees payable on check out.
Prices are based on 1 night including VAT, excluding local taxes and fees.
Steigenberger Makadi - Adults Only Information
Discover essential information, amenities, and features of Steigenberger Makadi - Adults Only, providing insights into what to expect during your stay. Information on this property was last updated on 14 February 2025.
Nestled on the shores of Madinat Makadi and surrounded by the outstanding Makadi Golf Course, this 5-star boutique hotel provides all the luxurious facilities you’ll need for a relaxing break. The sup...
Perks and amenities at Steigenberger Makadi - Adults Only
A comprehensive list of on-site, in-building, and in-room amenities you’ll find at Steigenberger Makadi - Adults Only
Private beach
Adults only
Water sport facilities (on site)
Outdoor pool
Fitness centre
Room service
Private pool
ATM on-site
Quiet street view
Non-smoking rooms available
Disabled access
Beach towels
Safety deposit box
Adults only
Gift shop
Laundry facilities
Ironing service
Free toiletries
Pool bar
Garden view
Heated pool
Room service
Shower cap
Hot tub
Outdoor pool
Express check-out
Body soap
Bottle of water
Tile/marble floor
Toilet paper
Food can be delivered to guest accommodation
Free parking
Private beach
Dining area
Dining table
Private bathroom
Private check-in/check-out
24-hour front desk
Storage available
Private parking
Scuba diving
Evening entertainment
Fitness centre
Water park
Pool table
Water sport facilities (on site)
Car hire
Daily housekeeping
Concierge service
Currency exchange on-site
Laundry service
Meeting/Banquet facilities
Mini-market on site
Airport shuttle (surcharge)
Shuttle service (additional charge)
Reviews for Steigenberger Makadi - Adults Only
Read firsthand reviews and testimonials from guests who have stayed at Steigenberger Makadi - Adults Only, providing insights into their experiences. Travellers have left 641 reviews of Steigenberger Makadi - Adults Only to date. Review data was last updated on 14 February 2025.
100% verified.We collect and display reviews from only verified bookings made by real users with HotelsCombined or with our trusted external partners.
WonderfulBased on 641 verified guest reviews
Pros +
Pool is relaxing and the service is good. (in 9 reviews)
Shuttle bus transport every an hour to the beach and backforth. (in 3 reviews)
I'd like to thank G.M. (in 2 reviews)
Cons -
Beach was not in the hotel. (in 21 reviews)
In halfboard dinner drinks was not included and aquapark was extra charge (in 2 reviews)
"Was not very diverse, the location is too far from the beach." (in 4 reviews)
No reviews found. Try removing a filter, changing your search, or clear all to view reviews.
Photos of Steigenberger Makadi - Adults Only
View a collection of 44 photos showcasing the rooms, amenities, and facilities of Steigenberger Makadi - Adults Only to help you visualise your stay. Photos for this property were last updated on 14 February 2025.
Hotels similar to Steigenberger Makadi - Adults Only
Discover other properties in Hurghada that offer a similar experience and ambience to Steigenberger Makadi - Adults Only. In total, there are 3,280 hotels serving travellers in Steigenberger Makadi - Adults Only. Price data was last updated on 14 February 2025.
Hotels closest to Steigenberger Makadi - Adults Only
These are the closest hotels within a 1.3 km proximity to Steigenberger Makadi - Adults Only. These hotels have an average nightly rate of $164 vs. $212 for Steigenberger Makadi - Adults Only. Data was last updated on 14 February 2025.
These hotels are among the lowest-priced properties for travellers in Hurghada. Currently, the lowest price for a hotel in Hurghada is $20. There are 2 hotels priced at $20. Price data was last updated on 14 February 2025.
These properties are recommended for travellers visiting Hurghada. The average price of these properties is $209 per night. Price data was last updated on 14 February 2025 and sourced from 72 user searches.
Steigenberger Makadi - Adults Only is located at Safaga Road, 32KM P.O box 178, Madinate Makadi, Safaga, Red sea in the neighbourhood of Hurghada. Popular landmark data was lasted updated on 14 February 2025.
FAQs when booking at Steigenberger Makadi - Adults Only
Find answers to commonly asked questions regarding bookings, amenities, policies, and more when booking a stay at Steigenberger Makadi - Adults Only. FAQs were last updated on 14 February 2025.
Is pricing at Steigenberger Makadi - Adults Only comparable to 5 star hotels in Hurghada?
Nightly rates at Steigenberger Makadi - Adults Only will generally be 18% cheaper than the average 5-stars hotel in Hurghada. When staying at Steigenberger Makadi - Adults Only, you should be prepared to pay about $247/night, which is considered to be a good deal in Hurghada for a 5-stars hotel.
How close is Steigenberger Makadi - Adults Only to the nearest airport, Hurghada Airport?
The distance between the closest airport, Hurghada Airport, and Steigenberger Makadi - Adults Only is 37.4 km and the expected drive time is about 0h 29m. Your drive time between the two can vary based on the time of day and traffic trends of the area.
Is there a pool at Steigenberger Makadi - Adults Only?
Yes. Many people visiting Hurghada look for a hotel with a pool. Steigenberger Makadi - Adults Only has a pool on site that hotel guests may use, but be advised that hotels typically have rules in regard to pool usage.
What is the Steigenberger Makadi - Adults Only phone number?
You can reach the front desk of Steigenberger Makadi - Adults Only at +20 653 590 530.
Does Steigenberger Makadi - Adults Only have Wi-Fi available?
Yes, Steigenberger Makadi - Adults Only has Wi-Fi available to hotel guests.
Is there a gym or fitness centre at Steigenberger Makadi - Adults Only?
Yes, there is a fitness centre open to guests staying at Steigenberger Makadi - Adults Only.
What is the check-out time at Steigenberger Makadi - Adults Only?
The standard check-out time at Steigenberger Makadi - Adults Only is 12:00. Guests can usually check-in from 14:00. Special arrangements may be available if discussed with the front desk.
How much does it cost to stay at Steigenberger Makadi - Adults Only, Hurghada?
Usually Steigenberger Makadi - Adults Only room prices are around $247/night, with the cheapest deals starting from $131/night. Prices vary based on many factors (e.g. dates, time of year, room type etc.) so use the form above to see deals for your intended stay.
Is there a restaurant at Steigenberger Makadi - Adults Only?
Yes, food can be ordered from the Steigenberger Makadi - Adults Only restaurant. Opening times may vary. There is also a bar and lounge area in the hotel.
Does Steigenberger Makadi - Adults Only have a laundry service?
This accommodation does offer laundry services. Guests can also use ironing facilities.
Does Steigenberger Makadi - Adults Only offer accessible rooms?
Yes, Steigenberger Makadi - Adults Only provides accessible rooms for guests requiring them. Make sure to check the deals available on HotelsCombined for the latest availability.
What is the cheapest month to stay at Steigenberger Makadi - Adults Only?
For the best chance to save money on your Steigenberger Makadi - Adults Only reservation, consider staying in March, when prices are typically at their lowest ($56).
Are there any other Steigenberger hotels in Hurghada?
In total, there are 5 locations in Hurghada. The most popular Steigenberger property in Hurghada is Steigenberger Resort Ras Soma.
What is the cheapest day to check into Steigenberger Makadi - Adults Only?
Consider checking into Steigenberger Makadi - Adults Only on Friday, when the nightly price is typically at its lowest (average nightly rate of $211).
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